
how to make an omelet in a skillet

    Omelette is my favorite dish that's delicious and easy to make. so today i want share you how to make omelet in a cast-iron skillet. but simple tips to you when cooking an omelet in cast iron you must control the temperature to prevent sticking.  Ingredients Onion Mushrooms Asparagus 2 eggs
    how to make omelet in a skillet

    Omelette is my favorite dish that's delicious and easy to make. so today i want share you how to make omelet in a cast-iron skillet. but simple tips to you when cooking an omelet in cast iron you must control the temperature to prevent sticking.


    • Onion
    • Mushrooms
    • Asparagus
    • 2 eggs


    I have a medium sized skillet here I've pre sautéed some onions mushrooms and asparagus I have 2 eggs beat together with just a splash of milk some cheese and some butter or go ahead.

    we're gonna preheat our pan on medium to medium low heat for 4 to 5 minutes our pan is now he preheated for about 4 minutes we're gonna go ahead and add our butter I like to use butter for a couple of reasons it tastes good and when it bubbles and foams a little bit when you add it to your PIN you know you're at a real good temperature you want your omelet the set up nice and slow so it cooks all the way through without burning.

    I like to use a little bit lower heat than I would for regular eggs and we'll go ahead and add those eggs and we'll let that set for a few minutes and when it starts to set up a little bit we'll stir it you can see it kind of pulls away from the side a little bit and we'll do that and let it set up before we add our our toppings.

    we've let it go for about a minute or so you can see that it's getting set up it pulls away because of cooking it nice and slow it's retaining its shape spread that back out a little bit and make sure it's not sticking and we'll go ahead and add our toppings sprinkle a little cheese on there.

    we'll just go ahead and fold that over you'll want this to cook nice and slow so it cooks all the way through so we'll let it sit there for another minute or so you want to make sure it's cooked all the way through when we actually go ahead and give this on a little flip and let it sit for another minute or so on that side all right so the omelet has cooked on the other side for about another minute.

     so we're gonna go ahead and shut off our stove and then we'll just go ahead and plate the omelet the key with cooking with cast iron is temperature control and patience so you can get good nonstick results if you just take your time.

    Related article : how to make french rolled omelette
